Knowing The Answer To Your Ultimate Question - How To Buy Ethereum?
Created in 2015, Ether is known as the operating fuel of the Ethereum platform. Ether, like other digital currencies, can be used to pay for goods and services. But it is also used to support the development of applications on the Ethereum network. Read along to know more about how to buy Ethereum easily ! Often the word Ethereum is used to represent both the network and Ether. To better understand the usage of Ether, let us first take a look at the Ethereum platform. Ethereum is an open, decentralized, blockchain-based public software platform that facilitates peer-to-peer contracts, known as smart contracts, as well as decentralized applications, known as DApps. Smart contracts allow users to exchange value without going through an intermediary. Smart contracts are agreements with defined terms and protocols to enforce them. But unlike traditional contracts, which are written in human languages and enforced by courts, smart contracts are written in code that computers can execute, el...